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January 23,2021

Black Bees Innovation (HK) Technology Limited was founded in 2019, headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. The first provider of smart visual ear cleaning rod, focusing on the development and production of visual ear cleaning rod, ear, dental endoscope and etc.

“bebird” brand is a leading brand in this field and is getting more popular in the world especially in China. We have set up very close business relationships with international chian stores, supermarkets, trade agent and established strategic partnership with importers in China, Korea, Japan, USA,Thailand, France and Belgium and ect .

We cerrently have 2 companies, 2 R&D centers, 2 manufacturing plants and more than 400 employees, also have professional sales and after-service teams to serve you.

If you don’t have cleaned ears, earwax could be piled up easily to accumulate germs in your ears, it ends up infection to damage your hearing, wearing hearing aid could be the end result. Heifeng creates a wireless smart visual ear cleaning rod that helps you to check your ear canel at smartphone and remove earwax at same time

Prev : Japan| Bebird R1 crowdfunding success

Next : Bebird Ear Cleaner Hot in the US

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